WELCOME! ~We Are Your Designers~
We are an international motor yacht design company in Japan and specialized in Pleasure Yacht, Mega Yacht
and Super Yacht design and consultant.
We have done many boat building and refit projects and using suitable boat equipment and developed some
production boat line.
We are your one stop company that will show the solution with design and process.
We design & create only the very best boat!!
Latest Information
- 2025/1/8
- Happy new year 2025!
- 2024/1/12
- New Years resolutions2024 is "New Rise" Our goal of this years is to become important, successful, or powerful for you and me.
- 2023/1/10
- New Years resolutions2023 is "20th・・・" We have been a company for 20 years.
- 2022/1/6
- Happy New Year2022! Our company's theme in this year is "Building Up".
- 2021/1/7
- New Year2021!
- 2020/1/6
- New Office Oepn See more
- 2017/3/15
- 2017年 Taiwan Branch Oepn!!See more
- 2017/2/6
- 「2017 boatshow schedule」 Update!! →Click See more
- 2016/12/20
- Published "KAZI" Magazine Jun.2016 「 Tiwan Boat Show 」
- 2016/9/9
- New Boat introduce「Rise Marine N-280」to you See more
- 2016/8/7
- New Hire informationHere
- 2015/9/25
- 「Rise Marine」Logo & 「Dyna60」Project Update!! →Click See more
Who We Are! About Uchiyama Design, Inc.
Uchiyama Design Inc. is
specialized in Motor Yacht design, Production Boat, Mega Yacht, Super Yacht and Semi-Custom
Yacht. Motor Yacht design is related with many things such as structure, hydro calculation,
machinery, electric, engines, wiring and piping and etc. We can only specify only a few here. To build and
design the motor yacht needs special knowledge and skill. Mega Yacht and Super Yacht building is quite
complex. The workflow is coming from the experience.
Based upon the unique yacht
building experience in USA, Europe and Asia, we are always presenting total design package
to client and yard. The drawing is the only the tool to see complex construction and big picture of yacht.
We are hand-on approach to any project. We attend the construction meeting at the yard and discuss with
engineers. It's one of our roll to control budget, construction period, equipment list and total
project management.
Our office is located in Kanagawa
Prefecture where is right next to Tokyo Metropolitan. Because of the geometric reason, we have a strong
connection with Asian boat yard even domestic ones. We are building the trust and good relationship with
Taiwanese boat yard that are the one of the best quality boat builder in the world, skilled engineers and
We are researching current boat
equipment technology. That is why we visit boat show in any country, mostly US and EU and talk with sales
rep and get the useful information. Our goal is to achieve what the owner exactly wants and present more
than their expectation. Our design is very simple. Function, Safety, Userability, Focal Point and sequence
of design.
We would like to be your decent designers for your memorable craft!!