PHAEDRA Tokyo party @ Joel Robuchon

新しいアパレルブランド「PHAEDRA Tokyo」のローンチパーティが、恵比寿のJoel Robuchonで行われた。


リハを見れたので良かったです。『ハンサムウーマン』というコンセプト通り。4月20日から23日まで麻布台のAtlantic Cars (Aston Martin代理店)にexhibitされる様なので、時間を見つけて見に行きたいです。シューズのDetail & Designがカッコ良いです。

It was held brand new apparel “PHAEDRA Tokyo” launch party at Joel Robuchon in Ebisu.

There were too many people, even show was separately, I couldn’t get in there.

I could, fortunately, see the rehearsal, the design is the concept as “handsome women”. Another exhibition will be at Atlantic Cars that is Aston Martin dealer showroom from Apr. 20th to 23rd. I will arrange to go there and take a look at closely especially shoes design and detail is awesome.


Basically PHAEDRA Tokyo is female fitter, but there are some male fitter. Hat, jacket with scarf looks very good.

屋外にはPHAEDRA Tokyo とマッチする、Aston Martinが展示されていた。

Aston Martin that matches with PHAEDRA Tokyo’s design cars displays outside.

Planning + Operation = Design!




モノを創るだけがデザインではなく、『プランニング + オペレーション = デザイン』と思います。


We set up food and drink menu base upon guest request.

We manage food delivery and bartender and arrange liqueur to match with food.

I think Design isn’t not only creating something, but “Planning + Operation = Design!”. It’s fun thing to create and design cozy space with food, drink and music.

It is very exciting to build yacht based on the use of yacht, party, charter or only owner use.

At the same time it is also exciting to refit the boat based on the experience of use of boat and rearrange.

Cruise Again




There were many guests on boat last night. She was out and in the port three times.

The food we provide was Sushi and matched with good liqueur. We could see sunset and live music.

The operation was smooth and we could make guest cozy time on boat.

Sunset Cruising




It was gray day in the evening, so we couldn’t see the sunset.

We are, recently, cruising at night, but day time is clear to see waterfront high buildings.

It’s getting warm, then we need beer server. Cheers!

中部ビックボートショー / Idemitsu Marines Boat Show




The boat show at Idemitsu Marines marina in Aichi Prefecture will be held from Apr. 17th to 18th.

I will be there for attend the show.

I will be around and look forward to meeting with new people.