Bertram570 Refit #3



The Bertram 570 refit project is now at the painting process on the boat. Painter is putting putty for important paint base.

Outside the boat, making the mold for first full beam step. The step will have storage for 8ft tag stick. It’s quite long, so it needs space for support for prevent warp.





It held early summer festival near my office in last weekend (15th and 16th).

This festival is playing for growing grain, so it’s usually rain at this time.

However this year was very clear all day.

It’s getting close to hot summer.

Bertram570 Refit #2



It’s been a process of Bertram 570 Mezzanine Refit project. We design the hatch can be opened with cushion. The photo is the connection point of seat and back where is water proof veneer in the picture.

The construction on the boat such as modification and lamination using existing wall is priority things to do. After carpentry, paint job will be start. While painting on boat, hatches, storage box and full beam step will make in the factory.


It has to be carefully adjusted by mm because existing wall are fairly rough.


Tokyo Night View Cruise




The boat was out for cruise on yesterday, May 13th. It was strong north wind, so it brought cold wind.

The guest on board was international. It seems like they had a good time on boat and enjoyed the Tokyo Bay night view.

We anchored at Odaiba. There were many Party boats even weekday.

Bertram570 Refit Kick Off #1




Bertram 570 refit project kick off. The project is existing wet bat to Mezzanine.

It’s very, very hard to set up base line because there are many line coming and deck is angled and steps are angled as well.

Even design and drawing is processing, the construction is already started, so we will prepare the drawing quickly with accuracy.


I found something wrong in the drawing, so I went to site to check it. After discussion with carpenter leader, it needed to modify the base line.



Existing wall to be cut at the point of hatch front extension and wall point.

We have been discussing with carpenter leader in detail and design and building construction method.