2010年 10月 28日 の記事

American Food – #4

ランチはゴルフ場のレストランで、大好物の「Philly’s Cheese Steak」。

ディナーは、メジャーリーガーの松井稼頭央さんもいらした事もある「Korean BBQ」です。


I had my favorite Philly’s Cheese Steak at lunch and Korean BBQ at dinner. Japanese baseball player, Kazuo Matui, visited this Korean restaurant. While I’m in different country, food is one of the fun thing to entertain myself.

Bertram Day – #3

朝からアメリカン・スポーツフィッシャーマンの代表格『Bertram』の調査をFerretti Groupのショールームで行った。この雰囲気が良いですね。


We went to Ferretti Group show room in Ft. Lauderdale in the morning. We took a look at the 40 footer Bertram.

I really like this show room atmosphere. The space represents several Italian boat manufacture’s world. It’s better talk with owner at this kind of space instead of sitting in the conference room. I will make such kind of circumstance in Tokyo in the future.

車を走らせマイアミへ。これまたBertramのSea Trialです。幅が狭い運河を70 footerの大きなボートを走らせ、外洋へ。



Bertram Dayの一日でした。

After visit the show room, we head to Miami to go Bertram factory. We did the sea trail on 70 footer. The big 70 footer went narrow canal to go sea.

We back to marina and hauled up to check the bottom with rubber hammer.

I needed to get the date from engines, generators and to check interior.

It was Bertram day.